Wednesday, July 2, 2008

so from this day we are going to make some discussions
The Mind and Physics
The mind has played a role in physics since the earliest days of quantum physics. The Fifth Solvay Conference in 1927 featured a debate between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein about whether the mind and consciousness are (Bohr) or are not (Einstein) part of physics. Einstein's position has dominated mainstream physics for decades, but the battle simmered on for the entire twentieth century.

New Physics
Much of 20th-century physics has proceeded along the reductionist path that seeks quantum gravity at the intersection of the extended lines of quantum physics and relativity.

This reductionist path must always try to force into a stretched standard model the many phenomena of new physics that have been theorized or observed over recent decades:

extra dimensions of space
black holes
dark matter and dark energy
Bose-Einstein condensates
neutrino mass
radical theses about time and matter

How far can the standard models of particle physics and cosmology be stretched before we see the need for new theory-of-everything paradigms?
How many phenomena of new physics does it take to break the standard model?

Are we really getting closer to a theory of everything by reducing our understanding to strings as physics' smallest pieces?

Can psychologists', mathematicians', and physicists' longstanding p-adic models of thought be brought into modern physics?

What optimal mix of new physics phenomena and p-adic models of consciousness have created holistic models of new physics and the mind, the 21st century's theory of everything?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Hello i am akshay lawange .I LIve at amravati,a district place in maharashtra.
I have played district football tournament.I am the winner of taluka chess competition.2nd topper in taluka in my 10 standard and a topper in national science olympiad.Also i have given scholastic exams like ntse,nstse,kvpy.......
So these were my gud points but as every man has dark points i should have it also which