Friday, June 23, 2023

Economical status of india presently

 The economic status of India is a topic that has been widely discussed in recent times. India is known as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, and the future looks promising. However, there are many challenges that need to be addressed to sustain this growth.

One of the major challenges that India faces is the disparity between its rural and urban populations. While the major cities in India are booming and experiencing significant growth, the rural areas are lagging behind. This means that there is a significant wealth gap between these two communities, which is reflected in the economic status of the country.

Another challenge is the high level of unemployment that exists in India. Although the country has a large population, the workforce is not always fully utilized, which means that many people are unemployed. This creates pressure on the government to provide social welfare programs to support those who are out of work, which can be a significant drain on the economy.

Despite these challenges, there are many positive signs that point to a bright future for India's economy. The government's focus on economic development, including initiatives such as 'Make in India' and 'Digital India', has attracted foreign investment and created new job opportunities. The country's set of economic policies is geared towards welcoming foreign investment and promoting domestic manufacturing. Furthermore, the recent introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST) has simplified the country's tax system and created a unified market for businesses to operate in.

By focusing on these positive factors and addressing the challenges, India has a promising economic future. Although there is still a long way to go, the government's initiatives and policies have created an environment that is conducive to economic growth and stability.

In conclusion, the economic status of India is a topic that requires close attention. There are undoubtedly challenges, such as the disparity between the rural and urban populations and unemployment. However, the country's economic policies appear to be geared towards addressing these issues and creating an environment that is conducive to growth and development. The future looks bright for India's economy, and with the right focus and attention, the country can continue to grow and prosper.

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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Poem ontrek in tawang

 In the land of snow and mist,

Where the mountains rise and twist,

I embarked on my first trek,

To Jerjong Tso Lake, a sight to check.

I was posted in Tawang, in Intelligence Bureau,

A job that demanded courage and virtue,

But this trek was a different kind of test,

One that would put my endurance to the test.

The journey began with a steep climb,

My heart racing, but I knew it was time,

To push myself beyond my limits,

To reach the lake, a place of exquisite beauty and spirits.

As I walked through the rugged terrain,

My mind and soul were free from strain,

The snow-capped peaks and the glistening lake,

Were a sight that made my heart ache.

At the trijunction of Indo-China border,

I felt a sense of pride and honour,

To be standing at a place so rare,

A moment that I would forever cherish and share.

The journey back was equally tough,

But my spirit was strong and enough,

To face any obstacle that came my way,

And emerge victorious at the end of the day.

Now, as I look back at that trek so bold,

I realise that it was worth more than gold,

For it taught me the power of resilience,

And the beauty of nature's magnificence.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Jerjong tso Trek

 Onward and upward, the path did wind,

As I set out on my first trek to Jerjong Tso Lake's find,
The air was crisp, the sky so blue,
I felt alive, my spirit anew.

As I walked, I saw the beauty of the land,
The mountains towering, the valleys so grand,
The trees swayed in the gentle breeze,
And all around me, I felt at ease.

At last, I reached the majestic Jerjong Tso Lake,
Its waters calm, still and opaque,
I gazed in wonder at its serene beauty,
A sight so breathtaking, a moment of duty.

I sat beside the lake, lost in thought,
The peace and quiet, all that I sought,
As I watched the sun slowly set,
I knew that this moment, I'd never forget.

This trek to Jerjong Tso Lake, a memory I'll always treasure,
A moment in time, a moment of pleasure,
For in this land of mountains and snow,
I found a sense of peace and calm, a place to grow.