Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Jerjong tso Trek

 Onward and upward, the path did wind,

As I set out on my first trek to Jerjong Tso Lake's find,
The air was crisp, the sky so blue,
I felt alive, my spirit anew.

As I walked, I saw the beauty of the land,
The mountains towering, the valleys so grand,
The trees swayed in the gentle breeze,
And all around me, I felt at ease.

At last, I reached the majestic Jerjong Tso Lake,
Its waters calm, still and opaque,
I gazed in wonder at its serene beauty,
A sight so breathtaking, a moment of duty.

I sat beside the lake, lost in thought,
The peace and quiet, all that I sought,
As I watched the sun slowly set,
I knew that this moment, I'd never forget.

This trek to Jerjong Tso Lake, a memory I'll always treasure,
A moment in time, a moment of pleasure,
For in this land of mountains and snow,
I found a sense of peace and calm, a place to grow.

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